Manijeh Nancy Jones
I have lived in Alabama for over twenty years. Completing a certification from Computer Learning Center in Springfield VA in 1984, I pursued a career in computer programming in the Washington Metropolitan area and later in Chattanooga Tennessee. In 2001 I became a full-time home-school mom.
Voting for me is a good decision for Alabama. As a programmer, I am not afraid to find solutions to challenging problems, as a home-school mother I will advocate for our children and as a devout Seventh-day Adventist, I will defend our religious liberty.

The Issues
Freedom of Speech
I will work hard to ensure that Alabamians can exercise their right to vocalize concerns and opinions as granted to us in the First Amendment of the bill of rights. During the last decade, and especially the last 2 years, we have had a sharp increase in censorship. Because of this, many people that have had something important to say have been intimidated, discredited, and silenced by large government institutions and pharmaceuticals. As a result, many have suffered, and lives have been needlessly lost. As your representative I will do my best to make sure your voice is heard even when the conversation becomes uncomfortable; I will not leave the room.
Medical Freedom
Freedom to choose medical treatment for ourselves and for our minor children cannot be sacrificed. In Alabama children as young as fourteen are legally able to make their own medical decisions. This leaves them vulnerable to coercion and manipulation by people who may not have their best interest in mind. I will work hard to overturn this law and protect our children. I will always push against state-mandated vaccines and masking. I will also work hard to end the forced medication of millions of Alabamians by the fluoridation of our municipal water supply. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and there is not one state in America that has banned this harmful substance, let's make Alabama the first!