AL House of Representatives District 45
Kari Mitchell Whitaker
I’m Kari Mitchell Whitaker, a lifelong resident of Dunnavant Valley (in District 45), and I’m asking for your vote as State House Representative.
I want to run for office because I believe that government — as envisioned by our founders — should be simple, unobtrusive, and (where necessary) effective. I trust people to make their own decisions about what is best for themselves and their families. The less the government meddles in our private lives and affairs, the better. I believe our current government has become far too powerful, cumbersome, divisive, and corrupt — and I want to change that.
Since I am fed up with the way the Republicans and Democrats have been running things, I decided to run as a Libertarian candidate. Many people inherently agree with Libertarian principles and don’t even realize it — ideas like limited government, personal freedom and privacy, and individual responsibility.
I don’t aspire to be a career politician, and I won’t try to sell you simplistic solutions to the complex problems we face. The current two-party system has led to too much divisiveness. We must work hard to find common ground, sensible compromise, and to foster a sense of cooperative human connection. It is my belief that our country is unique in the world — we must preserve and protect the democratic principles and classical liberal ideas upon which it was founded.
I am a small business owner, wife, and mother. I am an active member of my church. In my free time you’ll find me hiking, gardening, reading, foraging wild foods, SCUBA diving, playing role-playing games, and practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
“...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
With great freedom comes great responsibility. In this country, hundreds of thousands of law-abiding gun owners prove every day that it is indeed possible to possess and use guns responsibly. This great power of the people to protect themselves from criminal infringement should never be jeopardized. While it is a challenging and complex issue, we must work carefully to protect these rights while also cautiously preventing high-risk individuals and known criminals from obtaining weapons easily.