Frank Dillman is US Navy Retired after serving 20 years, half with the Marine Corps as their “Doc,” and is the Libertarian Candidate for District 4 Macon County Commission.

He has lived in Macon County since 1990, becoming a political activist around 2005, after leaving AU Poultry Science for 11 years.

Frank is relentless in demanding TAR from his county; Transparency, Accountability, and Responsibility. The county no longer accepts his registered mail and he has had his letters thrown at him during a county meeting.

He defies the county’s violations of Open Records and Meetings Acts and he has attempted to hold the county accountable to the Limited Self-Governance Act and IRS rules pertaining to fringe benefit reporting as well. The Sheriff Department has removed him twice from county meetings.

He states he is not interested in “making friends” while campaigning or in office, he is on a mission to expose and fix as much as possible in his county.

As a citizen, Frank has already worked hard for Macon county. He is directly responsible for the implementation of:

  • The county recognizing employees on a monthly basis
  • The county publishing its website
  • The county Facebook page
  • Upgraded public address system in the meeting chamber
  • Monitors in the annex for viewing of county documents–when the citizens are worthy of such
  • Movement of a routine morning commission work session to the evening hour before the general meeting
  • Streaming county meetings.

He is the only registered LPA member in the entire county, of over 80% democrat and no republicans in office.

The LPA honored him with three awards, including Lifetime Membership.

Frank is the founder of LetBamaVote, a statewide campaign for Initiative and Referendum.

This is his fourth consecutive time running to serve the people of Macon County from the Macon County Commission. Twice for Chair and twice for his District.

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