Doug Ward is proud to call Chilton County Alabama home. He grew up traveling across America with his father, who worked building gas pipelines and on oil rigs but always returned home to Central Alabama. His father instilled in him a strong work ethic and a love of history.

That love of history inspired Doug to spend several years researching and interviewing the “Footsoldiers” of the American Civil rights movement. Hearing firsthand the things that can happen when citizens have no voice in government struck a strong cord with Doug.

As much as things have changed in some ways, in others they have not. His view is that bureaucracy and the “good old boy network” has robbed the people of Alabama of any real voice in Government.



Born – Clanton Alabama 1968

Doug spent 25 years in the I.T. Industry as a contractor working primarily on large commercial and military projects including R.F.I.D. Installations on Fort Leavenworth, and as a project manager retrofitting the Network infrastructure at the 117th Air Refueling Wing in Birmingham Alabama.

For the past 6 years, Doug was been the installation manager for an Engineering firm that handles the Maxwell Air Force Base commercial internet system.

Doug is a certified meditation teacher and teaches free classes in mindfulness and meditation three days a week to help those in the community struggling with depression, anxiety, and addiction.

A proud husband, father, and grandfather Doug wants to see his grandchildren live in a world where the people still have a voice in the government . For that to happen he knows something has to change.



Alabama AFL-CIO 

We need a smaller government and more input from the citizens. If elected I plan to ask the people I will represent what it is that they want to be done in their name. . I will be visiting cafes and construction sites, trailer parks, and apartment buildings. I have no interest in ALFA or the timber industry. I care about the people.

The Issues

Sales Tax
Removing taxes completely is not practical, but reducing them needs to be a priority. In District 42 the town of Jemison has some of the highest combined sales taxes in the entire nation. There is no justification for an 11 percent combined sales tax. We need transparency with where our money is going available online for any taxpayer to view monthly, not as a yearly budget.
Income Tax
I would support a flat tax or a fair tax. A fair tax would remove the need for the IRS and the complexity of our tax code. Under a fair tax, everyone would pay the same percentage of their income in taxes. This would be a more efficient and fairer way to collect taxes.
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2nd Amendment Rights
The 2nd amendment is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."- Ben Franklin End of the story This is a hill I will fall on. I will NEVER under any circumstances support any law that even hints at infringing the rights of gun owners. There is zero room for compromise on this issue.
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I believe the path forward is access to better STEM education for the people of this district. That can be done using free open source education resources from places like Harvard and M.I.T. The creation of a portal linking to the countless free education resources currently in existence could be a great boon to the people.
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For my district, I believe better internet and lower taxes would help a great deal. We need more opportunities in modern workforce growth. Our current leaders seem convinced that the best we can do is create low-wage service industry jobs. I think the focus should not be on bringing in hotels and restaurants to bring revenue to the local government. It should be bringing in tech jobs to give more opportunities to the people of this district.
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