
I am a veteran of the US Army, married to a retired disabled veteran. We have 3 adult children. We own our own trucking company (he does most the work) and I am also an Independent Personal Stylist in the women’s intimate and shapewear industry. 

I am running for Alabama House Representative, District 79 to give the people of D79 a choice, a voice. If I was not running, the Republican incumbent would be running unopposed. I am passionate about the voice of the all people having a chance to be heard. I am disturbed by the number of unopposed races if the Libertarian Party had not been able to meet the ridiculous requirements for ballot access. I believe the people’s vote is their loudest voice and strongest tool for change. 

  1. I will oppose ballot access restrictions and voter restrictions that silence the voices and choices of Alabama citizens. I welcome competition.
  2.  I will support an increase of representation. With underrepresentation there are people left hurt and unheard.
  3. I will support the citizens’ rights to initiatives and referendums. In a government of we the people, the people should be able to introduce statues and constitutional amendments on the ballot; we should be able to hold our legislature accountable and reject legislative actions.  

These three issues leave people silenced with nowhere to turn. How we can allow ourselves to suffer with limited choices, be under-represented, and have no recourse when our legislation is overreaching is beyond me.

This current structure is not a government of the people, by the people, or for the people. The rules are rigged to easily allow corruption and abuse of power that has created a government for just some of the people. 

Section 2 of the Alabama Constitution clearly states,

 “People source of power. That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit, and that, there, they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to change their form of government in such a manner they may deem expedient.” 

Indefeasible, meaning the government cannot overturn or overrule our right to change. Yet, the current policy makers and law makers have done just that. Without citizens having the right to initiatives and referendums, without having more competition on the ballots, with being underrepresented, we cannot get anything done “in such a manner we deem expedient”.

However, it is not hopeless! We still have power and authority to do something.  That is why I have decided to be the change I want to see! It is my desire and prayer that the people of District 79, who have been left voiceless and unheard, who feel hopeless, and cannot see it ever changing, will be that change that they want to see.

Come out to the polls November 8 and give someone different, a third party Libertarian candidate, a chance to fight for you! 



  • AFL-CIO (Unions)
  • Let Bama Vote (Initiative & Referendum)
  • Lee County Voters League
  • Alabama Cannabis Coalition
Amanda Frison
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