Libertarian Party of Alabama Court Battle and Rally Against Political Corruption

Montgomery, AL – The Libertarian Party of Alabama (LPA) is continuing their fight for ballot access at 9 am on August 24th 2021 in the 11 th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The Alabama Secretary of State’s office is responsible for distributing the voter registration list, and this list is given to the Republican and Democrat parties at no charge. However, if you are a third party or  independent candidate, you must pay per name and the cost for the complete list is upwards of $36,000.  The LPA is challenging the unequal treatment of third party and independent candidates with this lawsuit.  We hope the outcome of this lawsuit will improve this situation for all candidates in the great state of Alabama.

The Libertarian Party of Alabama is also proud to support the actions of the College Libertarians of Troy University at the Rally Against Political Corruption on the Montgomery Campus of Troy University. This event will be held in conjunction with the lawsuit on August 24th, 2021 from 9 am -1 pm. This event will have Libertarian speakers from around the state and nation including Spike Cohen (2020 Libertarian VP Candidate), Vermin Supreme (2020 Massachusetts Senatorial Libertarian Candidate), Jonathan Realz (2022 US Congressional Candidate AL D-2), and Portia Shepherd (AL House Candidate and host of Portia Takes on the BlackBelt and Beyond).

For more information about the Lawsuit or Rally Against Political Corruption, please contact:
Gavin Goodman, State Chair
Office: 646-673-4343

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